International Arbiter Certification Seminar

  • Trainers
  • Laurent Freyd |

Excerpt from the FIDE Arbiters' Regulations

4.1.2 International Arbiter certification Seminar

The International Arbiter Certification Seminar is a training session for active FIDE Arbiters.

The goal of this second level of arbiter training is to ensure that candidates applying for the IA title are ready, in terms of technical skills and practical experience. It is advisable, but not mandatory, that participants already have at least two (2) valid International Arbiter Norms.

The lectures and evaluations of an International Arbiters’ Seminar shall comply with Article 1.2.1.

The session is delivered by two (2) FIDE lecturers, one of them being the leading lecturer.

The session is concluded by a readiness evaluation. Participants who are declared ready through the evaluation are granted an International Arbiter Norm from the seminar. IA Certification Seminar Content

The following topics are covered in IA Certification Seminars:

a) Revision of all the necessary regulations of Arbiters, Rules, Qualification, Pairings, Fair Play and Technical Commissions
b) Ability to use chess clocks efficiently
c) Ability to use an approved version of pairing software efficiently
d) Ability to run a chess event
e) Ability to communicate in English in a chess event IA Seminar Duration

Duration of the IA Certification Seminar shall be a minimum of sixteen (16) hours on at least two (2) days. Assessment will form part of the seminar but will not be a formal exam. International Arbiter Readiness Evaluation

During the IA Certification Seminar, candidates are evaluated on their capabilities to be an International Arbiter, using an evaluation grid provided by the FIDE Arbiters Commission.

The evaluation consists of several parts:

a) Short written evaluation on regulations (refresher topics)
b) English evaluation
c) Technical skills (clocks, pairing software)
d) Review of chess event experience of the candidate

As a conclusion to the evaluation, the candidate shall be provided with written feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement to consolidate the foundations of their future IA career.

Course Information


Laurent Freyd

Laurent Freyd